The Story of Beautiful Girl

Rachel Simon
This is the story of three people with a grave secret and an unexpected love that will bind them together for the rest of their lives. On a stormy, rainy night Martha opens her rural farmhouse door to Lynnie and Homan. The strangers do not utter a word and just as Martha is about to close the door, she hears a baby cry. It is obvious they are running from something and are exhausted. Martha invites them in, gives them dry clothes and a basket for the baby. Soon the authorities are at the door, Homan runs out the back into the woods and Lynnie is placed in a straight jacket on her way back to the "School." Before she leaves she utters two words to Martha: "Hide her." That one moment is the beginning of a forty year journey for Lynnie, Homan, Martha, and baby Julia; separated, but always drawn back to that night and their love for each other. This book will haunt your dreams long after you have read it.

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