
Jessica Anthony
Rather than filling pages with words and chapters, "Chopsticks" is composed into a scrapbook of clippings, photos, texts and conversations. Much is left to the reader's imagination. The story begins with a news broadcast of piano prodigy Glory Fleming's disappearance. The reader is then transported to 18 months prior to gain insight on the events leading up to it. When Frank moves in next door, he becomes her whole world. They text and write each other all the time. Throughout the book, references to the song chopsticks keep appearing and it is the one song that she impulsively wants to play. Could it have anything to go with the fact that the song starts with the notes F & G(the same as initials for Frank & Glory)? Three people have read this in our office and each one has come up with a different conclusion as to what really happened. I challenge you to pick up a copy (or borrow it from your library) and determine for yourself what is fact, what is illusion and what is the insanity of it all. Learn more at:

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