Discovering Wes Moore

Wes Moore
Wes Moore was born into a family of high achievers and he knew his parents had high expectations for his future. But after his father unexpectedly dies, Wes, his mother and two sisters have to move in with his grandparents who live in a rough part of the Bronx. It's not long before Wes is ditching the private school he attends to hang out with neighborhood thugs. His mother recognizing the path her son is on and sends Wes to a military academy. After a rocky start, Wes flourishes at the academy. He becomes a true leader and is able to attend college and even becomes a Rhodes Scholar. But while in college, he learns of another Wes Moore who grow up in a rough neighborhood and was now serving time for murder. He decides to write to the other Wes in prison. Soon a correspondence and friendship begins. How did two boys with similar backgrounds end up on two completely different paths? Discovering Wes Moore is a fascinating read about how the choices we make can change our whole lives. The Two Paths of Wes Moore by tvnportal