Born To Run
Was man born to run? Suffering from sore feet due to running, Christopher McDougall poses the question in a book that is part mystery, part adventure story, part runner's manual, and part high-tech scientific discovery. "It all began with a simple question that no one could answer. It was a five word puzzle that led me to a photo of a very fast man in a very short skirt, and from there it only got stranger. Soon, I was dealing with a murder, drug guerrillas, and a one-armed man with a cream-cheese cup strapped to his head." In his search McDougall learns about the secrets of the ultramarathoners, an elite group of runners that run 50 to 100 mile races. His investigation leads him to the Kalahari Bushmen, the Wild Man of the Blue Ridge Mountains,, and ultimately to the highly reclusive superathletes, the Tarahumara tribe living in the Copper Canyons of Mexico. In his quest the equally mysterious and elusive Caballo Blanco, serves as tour guide and competition organizer of the ultimate race, a trek through the Copper Canyons in where the Tarahumara and legendary ultrarunners compete together.
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