The Incredible Life of Balto

Meghan McCarthy
In a very remote area of Alaska near the Arctic Circle, the people of Nome were in trouble. Several children and adults had contacted a deadly disease called diphtheria. The only way to save them and the rest of the town was to give them a serum or medicine, but there was not one drop in Nome. The only serum available was in Anchorage, Alaska-1000 miles away. A train could go the first 400 miles but due to a severe snow storm (50 degrees below zero) only a dog team could go the rest of the way. Several dog teams decided to take the medicine in a relay. Some of the dogs died, some were having trouble staying the course in the storm, but a dog named Balto had an extraordinary nose that would help him get the medicine to Nome. Will Balto find his way in the storm before it is too late?

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