Jim Henson, The Guy Who Played with Puppets

Kathleen Krull
Jim Henson wanted to make people laugh. Growing up in Mississippi, all he had was his imagination to keep him busy, not TV or video games like kids of today. From that imagination, his ability to work marionettes, he found a love of puppetry. Although his parents wanted him to follow a different path, he never let go of his dream. By following his dream we all know and love the creatures of Sesame Street and the Muppet show and other movies and television shows. But, not only did he create Big Bird, Kermit and Mrs. Piggy, he also helped in creating Yoda for the Star Wars movies and did some experimental projects like The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. A wonderful biography of a man who followed his dream and through his biography, encourages us to do the same. Book Preview: new InsightBookReader('preview', '9780375857218', '', '', '0', '', 'http://www.randomhouse.com/cgi-bin/buy_landing.php?isbn=9780375857218'); Want to see an assortment of Jim Henson's muppets? Then watch this video!

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