Lock In

John Scalzi
In the not too distant future, a virus will affect most of the population. Most people will feel like they have the worse case of the flu ever, but for a small percentage the virus will cause them to be “locked in.” “Lock in” is when you are in a coma like state in which your mind is fully awake but your body is unable to move or respond. This condition is called Haden’s syndrome. 25 years later people with Haden’s will use integrators-people who allow Haden suffers to occupy their bodies for a time. FBI agents Chris and Leslie are sent to investigate a crime in which an integrator is involved. But who committed the crime? The integrator or the Haden in the integrator? As they investigate the crime, Chris and Leslie realize that this murder is just the tip of a larger, more sinister crime. Lock In is an action-packed read not to be missed.

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