
Jennifer Donnelly
Andi Alpers is angry at the world! Her father has abandoned her, her mother is losing it mentally, she is flunking out of her senior year, and she believes her brother died because of her. The only thing that keeps her from killing herself is her music. Alexandrine Paradis was a street performer who gets caught up in the French Revolution and the royal family. During a forced trip to Paris with her father Andi comes across Alexandrine's diary. Something in Alexandrine's words touch something deep in Andi. Although they lived two centuries apart, Andi finds herself addict to the Alexandrine's journal until a chance trip to the catacombs of Paris makes the terrors of French Revolution very real. Will Andi return from her sojourn to the past? Or was it just a dream? What really happened to the royal prince and Alexandrine? Revolution was a total joy to read.