
Maggie Stiefvater
Grace, 17, has always been intrigued with the woods and wolves behind her house. One wolf, the one with yellow eyes, saved her when she was nine years old from an attack from other wolves. This wolf comes back every year and seems to have a connection with Grace. When a local teen is killed by wolves, hunters gather to find and kill the wolves responsible. Grace races through the woods looking for her wolf. She finds him injured and human on her back porch. Grace learns that wolves don't become human with the full moon but every spring; however, as they age, their time as humans becomes less and less until they stay wolves forever. Now that Sam and Grace have met and fallen in love, it is a race against time to see if they can find a way in which Sam can live as a human forever. The story is told in alternating chapters and has a very Romeo and Juliet feel. The author's interpretation of the werewolf story is marvelous.

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