The Singing Bone

Beth Hahn
Alice Pearson wants so much to graduate, get into college, and leave her small town. The only that is keeping her sane is her close friends and the time they spend in the woods away from their broken families. Enter Jack Wyck and everything changes for Alice and her friends. Mr. Wyck and his band of devoted followers seem to have all the answers and a constant party. Things soon turn perverse and threatening and Alice finds herself doing things that against her beliefs. Everything comes to a head after a night of violence and evil. Alice barely makes it out alive and sane. 20 years later, Alice is a lonely college professor who has learned that Mr. Wyck might be set free and a documentary is being filmed that will bring the past and its evil back into her life. Will Alice be able to face the events of that fateful night? What part did she play on that violent night? The Singing Bone is literary thriller that is tense and creepy.

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