
Gordon Korman
Poor, mixed-up Donavan Curtis is always in some sort of trouble and his friends, the Daniels, don't help matters. So when Donavan does the dumbest thing in the history of the school and gets caught, he figures that he is doomed for life. However, by sheer luck, he manages to escape punishment by accidentally being enrolled in the gifted program. It's only a matter of time before everyone realizes he is "Ungifted." Does he end up having to pay for the damages? Most importantly, does he learn anything from the whole experience? This book is hilarious and told from the points of view of the various characters. If you ever knew a kid like Donavan that just couldn't stay out of trouble, or YOU are that kid, then this is the book for you. Rumor has it, this book will be made into a movie... Stay tuned!

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