Wabi Sabi
Wabi Sabi cat
Sets out on a journey to
Find meaning of name
Wabi Sabi is a cat living in Kyoto, Japan. When friends come to visit, they ask her master what is the meaning of her cat's name. The answer: "That's hard to explain." This get's Wabi Sabi also wondering the about the meaning of her name and she sets out on a journey to find out. Along the way she sees many things and meets many different animals. In the end, she comes to the only conclusion that she had to see for herself.
This story is uniquely illustrated with collages and the text is peppered with various haikus. The very back of the book has translations of the Japanese writings featured on each page along with short histories of "Wabi Sabi," and the haiku poem.
Nominated for the California Young Reader Medal 2011-2012
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