What Happened on Fox Street

Tricia Springstubb
Mo Wren lives on Fox Street with her dad and her wild child little sister Dottie. Since her mother died, it has been Mo's job to take care of her sister, and help her father keep everything going. But Mo recognizes that she couldn't have done it without her neighbors, especially Da, who lives across the street, and Da's granddaughter Mercedes. They have been like family. Everyone in her neighborhood with the exception of the evil Mrs. Steinbott has helped out a lot, giving her the feeling that they are all one big happy family. At least that is what she thinks until Mercedes confides in her that she won't be coming to her grandma's house anymore and her dad shows her the restaurant and house across town that is saving to buy. Everything in Mo's world starts to shift, and she must learn what it means to grow and accept change.

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