Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Maria Semple
Bernadette is a reclusive mother and architect who doesn't really like to be around people, especially the mothers at her daughters school, the drivers of Seattle, and Canadians. She has a virtual assistant in India who handles all her interactions with people. Her husband is a big cheese at Microsoft and makes a lot of money. Her gifted and talented daughter, Bee, is her closest friend. Bee is promised a wonderful gift for making straight A's in school. She chooses a family trip to Antarctica. Bernadette's life goes into a tailspin as the plans for the trip are put in motion and she must now face a long trip with, people. Is it any wonder Bernadette vanishes after she gets into a feud with a neighbor over some bushes, runs over a mother's foot at the school parking lot, and ruins a school fundraiser? In an attempt to find her mother, Bee pours over emails, memos, and letters looking for clues. She also learns a few things about her mother that might explain her behavior and disappearance. Where'd You Go, Bernadette is a hilarious, witty, and touching novel that will stay with you long after reading it. It has won an Alex Award.