The Whole Story of Half a Girl

Veera Hiranandani
It's hard enough being a teen and finding out where you belong in the world. It's even harder when a parent loses a job, falls into depression and the home normal shifts to something completely different than what you are used to. For Sonia, she can't quite identify with anyone at her new school. She's half Jewish, half Indian and is so tired of people asking her what she is. In "The Whole Story of Half a Girl," Sonia discovers who she is, where she fits in and above all else, finds her voice in the most difficult of growing pains. This is a very relatable story to the present day teen and reminds us that the present day economy not only affects the individual, but the family also. Check out the first few pages here: new InsightBookReader('single', '9780385741286', 'The%20Whole%20Story%20of%20Half%20a%20Girl', 'Veera%20Hiranandani', '0', '', '');

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